Product details

product details

DocMent is a SaaS Based Multi Doctor Appointment System. In this system, a patient can free register and login and make an appointment with his/her desired doctor. Patient can search doctor based on location or chamber department wise and appoint quickly. Doctor can also login and create treatment and prescription for his patients.

This system was made using the popular Laravel php framework. Strong security was maintained during the development and there is no sql injection, xss attack, csrf attack possible.

Key Features

  • Laravel 8 is used as language
  • Bootstrap 4.5 is used in design
  • User friendly codes and easy to navigate
  • Eye-catching design
  • Strong security of codes
  • Search by location, doctor and department in the home page and doctor pages
  • Quick Appointment button on the menu
  • Easily navigate to patient login and registration pages.
  • Real time messaging between doctors and patients
  • Subscription verify with email
  • RTL support
  • Language change optio

Admin Features

  • SEO Settings for all pages
  • Payment setting for PayPal, Stripe and Bank
  • Email template setting
  • Facebook or manual comment setup option for blog
  • Cookie Consent option
  • Google Re-captcha option
  • Google Analytic option
  • Preloader on/off option
  • Tawk Live Chat option
  • Theme color change option
  • Multi admin creation possible
  • All Banner images change option


  • PHP = 7.2.5
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension

June 26,2023 at 12:16 PM

The graceful curves and graceful lines of this product exude a sense of elegance and grace, elevating the aesthetic appeal of any space it adorns.

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